I figure’d I’d set up a rating system and let you decide if the topic was good or not.

Anyway, I already talked about this on the show today but they were holding the Republican Banana debates on Faux news and after watching a few and seeing Rick Santorum, I just lawl’d outright. It was a long haul, but I think Obama’s only real threat is Rick Perry.  I hate republican snobs,  cause they are such asses a lot of the time. But it was fun to watch people attack Obama for no reason. 🙂

Anyway,  not much else to talk about other than this:


The intro went something like this…

Pronunciation: san-TOR-um
Function: noun
Savage Love – 05/29/03

1. The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.

2. Former Senator Rick Santorum

Just a new meme to expose Republican Senator Rick Santorum….

Short show is short, enjoy the rest of your day.